(FB2) So Into You (Cajun, #10) by Sandra Hill – 9780446535779

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      So Into You
      (Cajun, #10)
      by Sandra Hill

      ? So Into You • READ MORE ?

      • Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
      • Genres: romance, contemporary, humor, fiction, adult, southern
      • Author: Sandra Hill
      • Language: english
      • ISBN: 9780446535779 (044653577X)
      • Places: United States of America
      • Series: Cajun, #10
      • Format: mass market paperback, 322 pages
      • Release date: August 1, 2009
      • Characters: Grace O’Brien, Angel Sabato

      About The Book

      Angel Sabato has been in love with best friend Grace O’Brien for 10 years — but he’s only just realized it. Too bad she doesn’t take him seriously when he tells her about his feelings. Reeling from the rejection, Angel hightails it out of town.

      Now Grace is left to wonder if her problems from the past are keeping her from opening herself to love. But she brushes these «useless» musings aside, concentrating instead on the work she’s doing as an apprentice to folk healer Tante Lulu and keeping up with the old woman’s good deeds.

      Such as starting a foundation to help families still homeless after Hurricane Katrina. One family consists of 5 children who lost their parents. The eldest, only seventeen, has been struggling to take care of her siblings and lying like heck to the state agencies in order to keep everyone together. Tante Lulu and Grace take the children under their wings and decide the foundation will build a house for them.

      Re-enter Angel, who helps with the construction. Unbeknownst to Grace, Tante Lulu has decided to try her hand at matchmaking again. And Tante Lulu has never failed before!

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