Valentine’s Day from the Black Lagoon – buy book • 9780439800761

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      Valentine’s Day from the Black Lagoon
      (Black Lagoon Adventures, #8)
      by Mike Thaler, Jared Lee

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      • Language: english
      • Format: paperback, 64 pages
      • Genres: childrens, school, humor
      • Publisher: Scholastic
      • ISBN: 9780439800761 (0439800765)
      • Series: Black Lagoon Adventures, #8
      • Author: Mike Thaler, Jared Lee
      • Release date: January 1, 2006

      About The Book

      Love strikes in the Black Lagoon! Everyone has to make a card for Valentine’s Day. And even worse you have to give it to someone in your class. Plus, you can’t draw a green-colored square or a dinosaur. You must draw a pink or red heart or a cupid. Yuck! You’d rather eat worms! And you know how it goes: First you give a Valentine card and the next thing you know, you’re married! You’re just not ready for this!

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